hello…some hurray and then some other disappointment!
So the technician advised that the probes were changed and I picked up the machine on wednesday. On initial start I could note some thing not normal (more on this below), however in as far as the PID switching on heat elements and cutting off when temperature was reached in the boilers and drawing of water at the correct temperature from the group goes, machine was working perfectly. This was on the shots used for wed and thursday.
I could initially however note that on first start, the pump did not kick in to take water from the reservoir. However since it was functioning normally with the lever I thought that the boilers were full after the repair was completed and did not need water. In all the time the machine was on, I could not hear the pump starting on its own to take water from the reservoir. I also noted that the steam pressure was above the 1.5bar and was getting quite strong flow of steam, almost saying that it is not normal that I am getting such an amount of steam when I purge the wand. I lowered the steam temperature and got to 122deg and got pressure to the factory level of 1.2 - the same reading for all these past years. Pressure gauge of brew seemed to be working normally and also water from brew coming out hot. I could note that when I move the lever, whilst water is coming out of the group, the pump seemed to be taking water as well from the reservoir.
On the second start up of the evening, operation remained similar to the above - basically powerful steam (like wet steam with a lot of water) and no water taken from the reservoir.
This morning, operation was also normal up to reaching temperatures. Steam was the same - powerful and wet. BUT, on moving lever, I can hear the pump like humming but no water is coming from the group now.
So basically I am back to diagnosing and repairing again however with at least two new probes in both boilers that are working fine!
Any thing I can do myself before going back to the bench again?