Do you microwave defrost your beans? At what type of setting (long defrost or high short burst or ? )
Based upon your experience or studies that you have seen, does this damage the beans or impact how they extract or taste? If so, how?
I briefly read some posts that suggested that microwaving frozen beans produces better flavors and smells than not? Does this make sense? Any studies on this? Have you tried this?
I guess that would lead to the idea of microwaving unfrozen beans? 🤪
If you are interested (or bored and need another coffee topic to think/write about), have a go at this. I came onto this topic as I forgot to take out some frozen beans the night before, didn’t want to grind from frozen (at that moment) and did a brief google search, which ofcourse landed on a brief HB post on this topic. It was a weekend and I had time, so I just let the sealed bag of beans thaw by a sunny window for a bit. But curious as to your experiences, readings and thoughts.