tompoland A question, inquiry (interested to know the thought behind your question): are you after an increase in extraction or something that you can taste different in the cup e.g. more sweetness, better balance?
There are times when I want to extract more strength and also more flavour nuances, while retaining body. I want it all: body, strength and lingering flavour nuances. With decaf. In a shot and in a milk drink.
Increasing the brew ratio sometimes brings out flavour nuances by increasing extraction, but at the expense of strength and body. Conversely shorter brew ratios can get you more body but not always strength and generally not flavour nuances.
So extraction often needs to be increased to get those flavour nuances out. Through the usual refinements: increased temperature and longer contact time. Longer contact time also gets you more strength. Greater pressure can also extract more, but would result in faster flow and thereby shorter contact time, so I don’t think I should bump the pressure.
So how do I get more strength and lingering flavour into a shot? Increase the contact time, which means slower flow if you want to keep the same brew ratio? I think so.
Slower flow is achieved by reducing pressure or creating greater puck resistance (which gets you greater pressure unless you machine reduce it, which I can with the Decent).
So I am thinking that I can get closer to what I want with a brew ratio that is neither too short or long (say in the 1.5 to 2.0 range); I am guessing that 1.0 to 1.5 just won’t extract sufficient flavour nuances. Body will be great but not necessarily flavour.
And profile a slower flow (say 1.0 ml per second average ). So a 15g dose in my 14g EPHQ14 normal flow basket at a say 1.8 ratio would be 27 out, which would run 27 seconds. Maybe I even go for 0.8 ml/sec average, with the usual initial spike then tailing down to 1.2 ml/sec then down to 0.8 ml/sec. With a say 10 second bloom. Might run longer than 28 seconds as a result.
Does this slower flow make sense? Or do I go turbo shot (fast flow to extract)?
Interestingly I poured a decaf shot with using a modified adaptive profile that resulted in a jagged pressure and flow profile for about 10 seconds before settling, due to a low limiter setting (0.6 ml) and insufficient puck resistance. It tasted great; a friend named Luca on my pouring better decaf thread on Diaspora thinks it’s because I created “turbulence” in the bed, which actually had a positive effect.