Raja123 Exactly, we need to get our heads out of our own backsides… sometimes… As for the Lance vid, you mean where he’s checking the shaft runout, which is a known issue with EK43 grinders?
MediumRoastSteam Adrianmsmith and prefer his style to say, Lance I’ll give Lance some credit when he finally works out how to pronounce Vostok (V-O-S-T-O-K). There’s been plenty of feedback in this forum… But don’t think he cares listens. Until then…
Adrianmsmith MediumRoastSteam I bet his favourite glue is.. . Bostok 🫣😚… not sure if that translates outside the UK!! . . .https://www.bostik.com/uk/en_GB/ If you need any glue!!
Adrianmsmith Raja123 i see he is now blaming bad editing and he did not notice he had imported and edited in the wrong footage. Even kess credible!! 😜 Wondering now how bad my hg-1 prime and key are 🤔🤭😧
Raja123 Adrianmsmith which part are you referring to where he has things wrong with the gauge. I see it is in there twice.
Adrianmsmith Without actually watching it again I can’t remember exactly . He has it at a strange angle to the shaft for the type of direct gauge if i remember correctly.
mathof2 Raja123 I find that for light coffees (>70 Agtron points), my Monolith Flat with Shrunken burrs produces espresso more to my taste than does my conical MC6 with Shurikone 2 burrs. The latter is however superior for those coffees darker than ~70 Agtron .
dfk41 I found after a few minutes my mind was wandering and my eyes closing! Has anyone listened to it all?
Adrianmsmith dfk41 Trt it without sound then Brian the kid wont be quite so annoying, if you can keep up with the subtitles . going to watch it now, im intrigued!! will ket you know how bad Brian is on this one!!!! This doesn’t have Brian. One of the most boring but informative kafatek videos 🤔😎
Adrianmsmith Adrianmsmith @dfk41 Believe it or not but the video above is what made me finally arrange the trip to edinburgh for the , ode , ( @DavecUK ) 🤔🫣🤭
mykm The whole video series was shot on location in 1 day during a standard production day amd I believe the Flat vs. Conical vid was the last one to be filmed, the fatigue of both production and filming at the same time is what comes across in this video
Raja123 Adrianmsmith Yeah it is. Salvatore makes spring lever machines. https://espressosuperstore.com/espresso-machines/