I thought I’d register and jump on this thread, since I’ve been having a lot of trouble getting even roasts on my gene cafe. I’ve had it for maybe two years now, and have had a lot of good roasts, but lately every roast seems quite uneven.
This is probably partly due to my poor bean purchase/planning, as all I have at the moment are Ethiopians, which have always given me more trouble.
I have a 230v machine (living in Spain) with a dimmer mod. Normally my roasting process has been like (pretty much always 250g):
preheat to 200C
1250W until the exhaust temp hits 210C
1200W until 220C
1150W until 15-30 seconds past first crack
drop down to 600-700W until done (usually around 1:30 after FC)
That’s often been quite nice. Usually FC happens at 230C exhaust temperature, in around 9-11 minutes.
But, I have trouble with unevenness, and lately even more uneven.
I’ve tried all kinds of things: disassembling/cleaning the chaff collector and fan and lowering wattage. I just tried following some of the advice in this thread: no preheat, starting at 1150W, lowering to 1130W during yellowing, FC at 14minutes/230C. I can’t really say that the result is much better (some scorching and general unevenness).
Any advice? Should I just try lowering the power even more to start (or later in the roast to keep the exhaust temperature down)? Change the batch size? Preheat?
@Dan have you had any improvements?
As an aside, I’ve also always found it really difficult to follow advice/recipes for this machine, since the temperatures never really make much sense to me. Roast rebels, for example, has a page of suggested roast profiles and those temperatures, my machine would just be on full-blast the entire roast. I gather that temperature reading can just vary a lot from machine to machine (I even replaced the probe at one point).