Hey all first post here, although I posted on CF and it’s a bit quiet!
I’ve got a Lelit Bianca and Mahlkönig x54 and all had been going very very well until the last couple of weeks.
Inexplicably, my extractions have gone hugely inconsistent and I can’t work out why.
Same grind setting, same dose, same final output, same tamp pressure.
This afternoon I got a 20 odd second shot, a 40 odd second shot and one that choked the machine to the point I was getting drips at 50 seconds.
Up until this started I could happily make multiple coffees in a row with virtually identical extractions and consistency in the cup.
I’ve tried grinding coarser, and I’ve tried two different beans. Still getting the same results.
Pressure on the Bianca both at the pump and at the group are as normal, and running the pump without the PF flow seems to be completely normal. The paddle is wide open on all of the above too.
To my eye, the grinds look normal, no clumping or obvious uneven grind.
Any ideas on what could be causing this? It’s a real head scratcher as I’d been getting fantastic results prior, and easily dialling in multiple coffees that would stay dialled in.