Waitforme The more water you use for percolation, the more you can extract (assuming the final result isn’t too weak). So, I mean that unless you grind very fine, or space the pours out over a long period, it’s going to be difficult to extract a normal amount of coffee solubles, as there is too little water to wash them out. Hence why drip brew ratios are more usually 1:14 to 1:18. I also find drip brews around 1:10 to be a bit cloying, like undiluted squash?
Cafetieres nearly always under-extract coffee, so recently people have been suggesting up-dosing to bolster strength (rather than extraction). The particulate in the brew can prevent the brew from tasting overly sour, but this can come out if you then filter the brew.
If you like the cafetiere brews you make, then all is good, some folk prioritise mouth feel & intensity over flavour separation. For me, I prefer my drip brews and cafetieres to taste fairly similar and brew at 1:15 for an hour in an insulated press. I have a strong dislike of under-extracted coffee, unless you go super under for sweet & simple brews (coarse grind and a minute or two steep).