What’s the latest on tamping.
Do you tamp full force to compress to the max?
Or do you hand tamp to a practiced force/pressure (ie rely on muscle memory)? If so, how hard do you tamp?
Or do you tamp with a spring and self leveling tamper, to try and tamp to the same force every time? If so, what force?
I haven’t been paying attention to this for a while as I have an EazyTamp that is self leveling and has a spring that apparently guides you to tamp at a specified force, if you release when it bottoms. Not sure how well this works.
And … do you double tamp?
I’m thinking that I should now be tamping heavily, to fully compress the grounds and eliminate this variable, as I suspect that my tamping pressure variability (sometimes releasing when the tamper bottoms but other times pressing longer) may be causing some shot inconsistency. So forget relying on the spring and just tamp to the max.