You miss the point again!
This is a hobby, to me at least.
I love the design and engineering ot certain products as much as drinking the coffee!
I just recently purchased kafatek flat max 2
Because the coffee it will produce is 5 x better than the niche Duo, every shot. NO
Because it will be 3 x better than the Mazzer Philos then. NO
Ok, must be because its twice as good as the Weber Key. Also, NO.
So as i have all the above it seems like a total waste if money!
Some of us purchase certain equipment to evaluate and enjoy its design .
How much of the price of a Kafatek is profit, labor, machining costs and design plus contribution to the ongoing “project”. I can’t put a figure on it, but id say, quite a lot.
Is that a hidden fact or did someone think the motor was worth 2k alone as its made in japan?! Doubt it.
Does it make better coffee than my Key or HG-1 prime ….
On a tuesday and saturday, yes depending what meal i had the night befor!!
It boils down to what Better actually is.
So far im thinking it will be a long term purchase. Love the design and over the top engineering but that is one reason i purchased it.
Did i expect the coffee to taste totally different to any of my other grinders. Obviously not.
Does the coffee taste different to the Key. Yes it definately does. But which i actually prefer depends what day and mood etc
Might even try to purchase a mr Puff, cap and wdt tool just to make it complete and to see if its better than the piece of crap Craig decided to sell with it. Should have looked in the box that “has all the original accessories in it”. Should have remembered that phrase, trust noone!

Im not sure how popular these are on here.
I am sure anyone they appeal to will enjoy tham for what they are.
Would i say “ to get great coffee you need to ditch your philos, key, zero etc and buy one if these or you will never taste great coffee” . Most definately not.
Has anyone regretted purchasing.
Should i sell it and get the blind burr 2025 model 🤪
🤞🏼 Hoping for an answer along the lines of, the blind burrs are great but possibly not worth actually upgrading to (please!).