I couldn’t help myself, the Studmistress rolled her eyes and said just do it or you will miss out on it.
A Daggy looking Strietman CT-1 had just popped up on the CSnobs site for a silly cheap price.
I quickly claimed dibbs and got into touch with the seller, along the way informing him that he was seriously under valuing his machine.
I upped his price by about 30% and sweetened the deal with a very nice box of vintage wine and ended up with this for around half the price of a new CT-2.
This is after a couple of hours of polishing, lubing etc and I will spend tomorrow morning dialling in some shots.
The SM’s comments so far have been:
So that’s what it looks like.
It looks a lot shinier now.
So long as you are happy.
I am very happy and looking forward to some CT-1 v Argos shootouts later in the year.