That’s right @Alexvs, I got an 18g VST and 18-22g IMS basket. The IMS is pretty big and I only used it once or twice. I’d read that IMS baskets are a little more forgiving, but decided to just crack on with the VST which is specifically designed for the 18g dose rather than have 2 new baskets on the go at the same time. I seem to have got to grips with the VST nicely so sticking with it.
The IMS seemed absolutely fine when I used it but there was a lot of headspace with an 18g dose so it’s gone up to the loft for a time when I might need a bigger basket.
The IMS fits better into the group than the VST, which is a little on the tight side. That’s with the bottomless - the other portafilters are in the box in the loft