So, below are all my Behmor roasts so far. But, I’d like to draw attention to the last two on the right.
All 4 pretty much followed the same profile, but my first and second roasts I didn’t pay too much attention - but on 3rd and 4th I have, and they were done 1 hour apart from, each other, today.
Pre-heat for 1m30s;
200g in, P5 manual (full power), 12:00 on the Behmor display.
At 7:00, the afterburner comes in; (5 minutes after roast start)
At 4:30, switch fast drum speed; 7m30s into the roast)
At 3:30, first crack starts, switch to P3 (50%); (8m30s into the roast)
At 2:30, I hit cool down as first crack is nearing the end (9m30s into the roast)
One minute later, I open the door, remove drum and cool externally.
The output was 173g or 174g. That’s a 13% / 14% development.
And the same was for the 4th roast, with the exception I kept the beans cooling inside, without opening the door at all. The cool down program is set to run for 13 minutes.
See below. I cannot tell any difference between any of the batches. Maybe next time I’ll be super quick and remove the drum as soon as I hit cool down.
3 and 4 were roasted outside today.

Different room/light: