simardal My roast times have been much better than that out on the Patio, I have not tried longer than 20 minutes, but I think that is the limit, I would never want to go on that long for fear of baking the coffee.
For sure indoors is not a thing and wind over the unit will affect the temp…however your results don’t sound right at all. I tended to roast 500g amounts (not 550g). here is a typical roast. Outside on the patio and a little breezy, temp about 20C ish.
No issues at all and plenty of power. I am wondering if something is wrong with your unit, check all the quartz elements are on and that one has not failed and ensure you use the official profiles with 500g, you should get the same results as me.. The roasts it produces are actually really good as well.
Above was the first roast, this was the second roast where the roaster was nice n warm. Usually the second and subsequent roasts are always faster than the first roast of the day on any roaster.
The parameters that can be adjusted for each control point include power? You do have to double tap the control point to edit this. Power or fan can be adjusted, as well as drum speed, but I don’t change that and each control point can have a duration, but not more than the 20 minute hard limit.
One of the roasts here…
P.S. Ensure you are not on old firmware…in fact an update came out last night.