Got the plastic v60 02 from Amazon. Tried @MWJB’s method, that too without gooseneck kettle (😂), a direct pour from Osmio Zero. The controlled pour didn’t go well, obviously. Hoffman’s method is fit for a direct pour from the Osmio Zero.
It was Kenyan Mikari, as I know how it comes out on Clever. Anyways, 3.7 rotations on Jx Pro, 13.6g, ~240g of water in total and 194.5g on the cup after 6 mins and 20s. The brew time was almost double than normal. 60g bloom, 1:30 mins wait, 60g in a circle, 2mins wait (because I had to switch the pour over method), 20g in a circle every 30s and the final pour at the centre.
Despite the lack of gooseneck kettle disaster, the coffee was really delicious. Balanced and sweet. It was neither sour nor bitter. The flavour was good and I had peachy necktarine fruity notes. I wonder what the EY would have been!
Having exclusively brewed Clever (apart from Indian filter), the cup was really comparable. I normally steep for 30 mins, grind at the lower end of espresso range for clever and 20g:225g water. The difference was the clever cup was stronger, considering the dosage. If I were to keep all variables except the brew time the same, I doubt I can pick clever vs v60 apart.
Hoffman method later this afternoon. Espresso will be for the evening !
Thx Mark and Patrick for the V60!