Pompeyexile I suppose what I thought was a clever password (a mixture of 12 letters and numbers) was seen as a piece of cake to a hacker.
All these myths about hackers cracking passwords are just movie hype. I hope I got my math right.
If a random password is generated using the following rules.:
- If the password was not case sensitive and had to be 12 Characters
- If only the 26 letters were used and 10 numbers
- a hacker tried to brute force the password every 1 second (guessing)
- and there were unlimited password attempts rather than 3 or 5
Then it would take up to 23,044,172,485,730,463,873,283,395,755,305 years to brute force the password. If we assume he might get there after 20% of the combinations by luck, that’s still….
4,608,834,497,146,092,774,656,679,151,061 years
If we further assume that my 1 try per second was conservative…..lets assume the receiving system can accommodate 1000 attempts per second (which it won’t be able to, not even 10, but hey ho). It would still take
4,608,834,497,146,092,774,656,679,151 years.
Age of universe, 14000000000 years
P.S. If the password was case sensitive, it would be a much bigger number!
If we were really generous and allowed him 1 million guesses per second it would only take 4,608,834,497,146,092,774,656,679 years.