Well I had a massive bloody fail today…I installed Ubuntu 20.04 called Focal Fossa on a small fanless PC I have…that went OK, but it all went down hill after that.
Apache2, json, dom php curl (curly wurly) and all this other crap, who knows what was being installed, or what it did,, but be sure I was installing a lot of stuff with gobbldygook names and command lines that looked like an ASCII explosion.. It’s all running, but it doesn’t bloody work.
Aha, I thought composers at version one, I’d better upgrade it…command line, nuthuin, failed, you need a json it said…OK how to i do that…tried to make one with a twig or sommat…gave up when the python attacked me and Maria wasn’t doing what she should be. Installed flarum on it…I think, but I can’t access it….even though the web server says it’s working. Now this is all terminal stuff and Unix, and it just keeps asking installation questions that nobody (no normal person) knows the answer to.
I did my last few sudo apts and finally had no option but to do a SUMO, having totally failed and disappeared up my own arsehole.
P.S. Once I was a computer expert…but I have to admit this defeated me.