dfk41 Sham I do not know much about these machines. Are the bases all interchangeable? Is there a way of ageing the machine without taking it to bits? Is there a link available to somewhere that sells these bases please?
Sham dfk41 You can check the age by popping off the bottom (need security screwdrivers I think). Here they sell a black or chrome one. You can easily change them but just double check what model yours to check if new parts fit. There’s loads of guides on the internet as La Pavonis are very easy to take apart fully and reassemble.
Jlmartin I have had a pavoni and actually this is about the standard price for a rusty model. I know the user paid an extraordinary amount of money to have it done up but working is working unfortunately. Has the rust carried through underneath?
dfk41 Jlmartin Hiya Jim, can you explain to me how I can get to the underneath so as I can take a look to see if it has rusted all the way though? I have some photos of before it was painted and I am pretty sure it was just surface rust
DavecUK dfk41 Why not repost the photo of the base before you painted it with rust stop hammerite or whatever it was. It did look like just surface rust.
Jlmartin Justin! Of course if you take an m20 bit undo the screw and just take the plastic base off and look underneath. Maybe not worth replacing the base as would just increase costs.
nopapercup Looking at the switch and the water level indicator on the side, if it’s a premil than it’s no older than 1990s.