DavecUK Another function you may not have found it quoting what someone has said.
That one drove me nuts for ages.
I knew it was there somewhere, ’cos several times it popped up and I used it but was struggling to work out why it had popped up. In other words, to get it to happen when I wanted it.
I think it was a ‘not seeing the wood for the trees’ thing. I am so, SOOO used to vBulletin, having run several VB sites of my own, for about 20 years, that it blinkered me as to it being something as simple and bleeping obvious as that. And that is the problem I have with other aspects of this place, and with remembering how things work - I spend nowhere near as much time on forums as I used to, and this place just tends to be …. different. I’m not yet sure whether it’s different because it’s better, or different for the sake of being different.
However, given the price here, and the difference with paying for commercial hosting, and the cost of a vBB licence, I will damn well learn it. ;)