CafeNoir Their problem. You’re right about the trolling aspect, from my perspective though I find it amusing.
It’s amusing because the people who started it had either ulterior motives for doing so, and/or knew very little about grinders, burr design or anything else really. Fortunately for the prosumer marketplace and users, they were unsuccessful, and I think the Niche has ended up one of the top-selling prosumer grinders. The term “Is this the Niche Killer” is one of the highest accolades a grinder can get. It’s probably changed prosumer espresso for so many people who can’t afford the 2K grinders.
The difficulty for some people who knocked it, was understanding that a commercial unit is not required for domestic use.. Imagine 175K for this, because it’s rough tough and “commercial grade”

or this for

Sure it’s not all rufty tufty as the Unimog, but it’s going to do the job for the average man.
In grinder terms, it’s a bit like this grinder, which at one time was being pushed a little on CFUK. Now I’m sure it’s a great grinder…but I don’t think this is what the prosumer market wants, along with the inevitable retention. I image it’s 29p in leccy to grind a shot now (just kidding about the leccy)