MediumRoastSteam The Minima is a machine where those options can still be configured via the PID display and my understanding is that, at least for The UK, both boilers draw power independently (in parallel) by default.
Yes they do for the UK, and can be switched to brew boiler priority for other countries…it’s an option in the PID.
I think a lot of this brew and steam at the same time is a “difference” created by the retailers and not really a thing (or it shouldn’t be). It originally was to try and show the difference between an HX and a SBDU machine like the isomac Zaffiro.
SBDU switch to steam, wait, purge a bit of water or just start steaming with a good purge first. Switch steam boiler off, refill boiler, then wait, wait, wait, wait…for the temp to come back to the brew temp. If it’s a small boiler SBDU, then you just have generally “less performance”
HX - Purge, brew, steam…then brew again if you want and steam, then brew and steam. No long wait or overheating the brew boiler…but temp stability all over the place, flushing required and the machine always running at 125C+ (steaming temp), ageing components, more limescale, more energy loss etc.. etc..
Dual Boiler = None of the above. Brew, steam brew steam brew brew steam..Turn steam boiler off when not needed.
It was never about brewing and steaming at the same time…why would that need to be a thing in the domestic environment. You want 2 lattes, pull 2 shots, then steam the milk, job done.