Gav86 Thanks Cuprajake. We’re home and initial set up complete! May move the water tank to the side to push the machine further back. Wondering whether to pull a decaf to test or to wait for the morning… no silly statement, decaf time!
Cuprajake Brilliant, Yeah the niche would sit nice in front of the water container too. Glad you like
thewelshvet I was sorely tempted by this but just swayed towards the Vesuvius offer. Looks like a beautiful machine. Enjoy!!
DavecUK One little bug, when made a sticky, the only person they are not a stickied for is me (go figure)!
CoyoteOldMan DavecUK Thanks! Well, if you want another interesting bug to figure out (or report to freeflarum - happy to do this), look at my notification count right now: