ST30B Cuprajake ☺️ I teed that one up! Yes I’ve watched a few videos inc yours comparing the Duo/Zero. I’ve heard the Niche Zero in operation and its much more pleasant on the ear than the Crono. Will see what the next gen of grinders turn out like. The timemores sound quiet (although not sure how great they sound) and DF64V once there is some proper feedback on them. Thanks for your time 👍🏼
Cuprajake I’ve got a new tamper on order, seen as I can’t have a Vostok 😭 decided it was a close second 🤣🤣 Nearly cost as much as a Vostok
Cuprajake Works out about £130 now with shipping, should be here next week though so pretty quick from Brazil It’s currently in Texas, which is apt as I had this for tea last night on my holi bobs Being a non ethical veggie has it’s pluses 🤣
Doram Cuprajake It’s currently in Texas, which is apt as I had this for tea last night on my holi bobs Is that why the burger looks like a tamper? ;-)
MediumRoastSteam Cuprajake should be here next week though so pretty quick from Brazil It’s currently in Texas Obviously flight BA246 (GRU to LHR direct) was full, so it had to go the long way round. 🤣
LMSC Cuprajake group still rattles some what.. I am assuming the new pump is securely mounted with no scope for generating any (rattling / vibrating) noise. I don’t know what make that screeching noise. It can’t be the water feed, can’t it?
Cuprajake Nah it’s not the new pump, the machine has made the noise it’s whole life. This was from when I went mains feed water
LMSC Cuprajake This was from when I went mains feed water This was far better compared to the noise after swapping for rotary. Don’t you think?
MediumRoastSteam LMSC This was hardly anything compared to the noise after swapping for rotary. Is there a video with the rotary pump in action?
Cuprajake No vibration, it’s flow related in the group Pump is silent The flow from the mains was slower hence the quieter sound.