having the Kopi Deva since the beginning of may and having the comparison between this and a DF64 with italmil and SSP HU burrs, i think the Deva is right in between those two. More clarity than the italmil but not as much as the HU burrs. Instead more body and texture than the HU burrs.
As i drink medium to dark roasts the Deva stock burrs are absolutely fine for me and i do not see any reason to buy SSPs.
If you want even more body and drink a lot of milk drinks, the lab sweets could be an option. But i like that the OEM Deva burrs can handle both, just espresso and and milk drinks.
But this is just referring to the kickstarter burrs as the Kopi Concepts team wrote: “Since closing our Kickstarter campaign, we’ve tackled what has felt like a mountain of pandemic related issues and global material shortages. Throughout the process, the support of our backers has been overwhelmingly motivating. We wanted to thank you for your support, being the 1st to back our product. As a surprise, we have upgraded your burr sets to coated burrs with an increased lifespan of up to 750kg (the original stock burrs were capable of 250kg). The upgraded burr set has of course gone through our rigorous testing process, but we wanted to keep this news as an added surprise right to the end just for our Kickstarter backers.”
So indiegogo and future buyers should receive different burrs that come with the Deva.
In comparison to the DF64, the Deva works out of the box. No tweaks or mods needed. Build quality is far superior. Just like Lagom P64 imo.
And it came perfectly alligned, so i did not have to do anything. The Allignment method seems to be quite easy to do too.
Hope this helps a bit