Pompeyexile Anyone tried it? More to the point, is it £17.50 for 250g good? https://www.bellabarista.co.uk/limited-release-salt-marsh-brazil-camocim-roast-coffee-250-grams.html?utm_campaign=860795_Saltmarsh%20is%20back&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Time%20Leisure%20Ltd%20t%2Fa%20Bella%20Barista&dm_i=57CL,IG6Z,15W3PG,254VP,1
dfk41 Pompeyexile I tried a couple of bags the first time that they did this. It is a cool idea but it did nothing for me I am afraid. Maybe it has improved as they have changed roasters. Go on, treat yourself matey!
Systemic Pompeyexile Anyone tried it? More to the point, is it £17.50 for 250g good? https://www.bellabarista.co.uk/limited-release-salt-marsh-brazil-camocim-roast-coffee-250-grams.html?utm_campaign=860795_Saltmarsh%20is%20back&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Time%20Leisure%20Ltd%20t%2Fa%20Bella%20Barista&dm_i=57CL,IG6Z,15W3PG,254VP,1 After contacting BB to check roast level - decided to give it a punt - always like to try something different. Marko said roast level is medium to suit the characteristics of the bean rather than tune it for pour over or espresso.
simonc How about this one then? https://kissthehippo.com/products/panama-auromar-gesha £38 for 150g!!
DavecUK LMSC I think a lot to buy a KG at £38. It is a joke, tbh. that’s £38 for 150g, not 1Kg, if only…. However £253 per Kg is rather expensive….and I certainly wouldn’t pay that price for it.
Cuprajake Im always wary of such expensive stuff like this, dont meet your heroes n stuff Feel like it would be wasted on me
LMSC DavecUK that’s £38 for 150g, not 1Kg, if only…. Yes! Exactly! Jeez! We need to win a lotto or a Euro Million!