empee The ECM Contravento didn’t reallly sell well for them. I think there were 2 factors.
- They were not slayer, LM, orSynesso
- They didn’t have as much market respect or credibility as they have now
So in a way it was a machine aimed at a particular market segment, in which they were not really there. At some point, I suspect they will produce a fairly high-end machine one day, but that wasn’t what I was there to help with at this time. In the future, I would like then to use their quality and production expertise to produce a “hero product” and something that really is at the top end (e.g. Luxury).
They are looking at all sorts of new tech and really trying to push the boundaries of what’s possible, and I was there to look at the technologies and discuss them, to help them effectively compete and innovate. It’s not just about being as good, it’s about creating technologies and ideas that lifts everything else. I obviously cannot discuss any specifics at all, as things are not all patented at the moment. I am producing the second video, and there’s a lot of prototype stuff I have that I can’t actually show. I have not signed a non-disclosure agreement because I don’t do that, but I know absolutely what I must absolutely keep to myself.
The other thing is some of this stuff is working, partly working and not working (requiring some amendment), so even knowing when some of it will launch is not easy to predict.
P.S. Even talking about some of the things they do in production is not always appropriate, or what suppliers they use. So much can be commercially sensitive.