I thought I would give this thread a little love today. I actually truly believed we couldn’t hurt a big corporate, and we can’t really, but we have caused them some irritation. They contacted the previous owner of CFUK expressing some concern…said owner contacted me and said why have we set this up…I told him in no uncertain terms why.
I suspect their admin is getting an arse kicking due to the loss of forum traffic on CFUK. When looking through various forums that talk about Borg acquisitions, it does appear that resistance is not futile. Not all forums die and some are successfully assimilated. Of course some do die….and their remnants can be found for those who look. Some I couldn’t find, my assumption, when the cost of running the forum exceeded the ad revenue…a forum is simply closed, much like a drone is scavenged for parts.
These dead or dying forums have one thing in common, a team of mods that said no…we’re off and we will start our own forum. The old forum looked big, but wasn’t…it purported to have 29,000 users, but it didn’t. No user was ever deleted, ever, even spammers, or accounts that were made, but never even answered the validation e-mail. In my time as a mod and with access to quite a bit of the admin panel…I realised the old forum only ever had around 80 real regulars and around 200 or so regularis-ish members, we now have most of those!
When a forums traffic drops, then it’s ranking drops, it makes less adwords money….usually a significant traffic drop takes 4 years, so they get their money back and make a profit. On the old forum the same traffic drop has happened in 4 weeks. Their posts are pretty much 85% down on what they used to be. For example today we are set to have 8 or 9 times as many posts as CFUK ( as we have had for the last week or more).
This is a serious traffic drop, and it’s been noticed….it might be that they actually don’t make very much from CFUK, or even get their money back. We’ve done well, and we’re not even properly picked up on the search engines yet…although I noticed some scamp had placed a pointer to our great forum on reddit 🙂 Hopefully these unknown agents are also popping our name/link on all the other socialmedia sites I don’t use, like facebook, snapthing, instawhatever, Ticky something….
Today we have done 171 posts and on target for almost 200 posts, the last time I checked they were on 20!
To the Borg who tried to assimilate us…I can only say
Sure, they assimilated a few, but we escaped….to make our home here!