Rob1 , MWJB , CoyoteOldMan @Cuprajake @LMSC (hope I didn’t miss anyone) thank you very much for your replies, this is very helpful!
Reading all your replies I gather that I may be getting coffee which has a ‘drier’ sensation (I think I can relate to that sometimes in the coffee) and maybe a little acidity (normally I don’t have a problem of sourness, though if better water would make the coffee sweeter that would be very welcome indeed!)
I would like to try and make coffee with some proper water to see if I can taste the difference. Shame it’s not easy to just buy that in a bottle to have a taste. Maybe that can be a start-up idea for the likes of @OsmioWater and @SkumaWater to offer a 5 litre try-before-you-buy taster bottle that we can order before committing :).
I will probably give in and get something better in the future, but it’s difficult for me to make the move before I am convinced that I will be able to tell the difference. It would be tempting for me to have a solution that I don’t need to think too much about - not a multi stage operation on my part (so a machine that produces the pure water and does the re-mineralisation in one go, without need for me to intervene or make any decisions). Is it correct to assume Osmio Zero and Skuma can offer that?
MWJB I suggested you find out what water you receive at your tap. When we know this we can suggest a course of action
I think my tap water is not good - it scale terribly. I can see this in the kettle, on the stainless sink, in the shower… It might be ok to use a little of it to cut something else, but seeing how hard it is I am not keen to put it in the machine.
MWJB If you are using Ashbeck and you are happy with the taste, try adding sodium bicarbonate and see if you are still happy.
I will gladly try that. Is ‘sodium bicarbonate’ the simple product we buy in the supermarket as bicarbonate of soda? How much of it do I need to add to 5 litres? If I do add that to Ashbeck, will it make things worse for scaling?
Rob1 The TDS meter isn’t going to tell you if the water will scale or not - the Ashbeck won’t scale as in ordinary boiler temps and probably not even in the Elizabeth boiler that (IIRC) can run around 160c, so I don’t know why you think it might scale based on the TDS reading. Scaling is determined by the balance between carbonate alkalinity and temporary hardness at a given temperature.
Sorry, I didn’t use the right words. I didn’t mean to say Ashbeck will scale based on TDS readings - I wouldn’t have a clue. I read some mixed views about Ashbeck scaling or not. My own experience is only that I used Ashbeck and after a few months I took out the mushroom and saw some green marks on it (it’s a Mara X, so the boiler is HX). There was no significant build-up, just the green marks, and I have not had any scaling issues as far as I know (had the machine for nearly two years now). I think the green marks mean I had some scaling, but I don’t even know that for sure. I drain the water in the boiler and refresh with new water once every three weeks.