Chimpanzees whose main diet is fruit and veg still occassionally go on a rampage to kill and eat other monkeys. Why? because they instinctively know there are certain nutrients in animal flesh and fat that their metobalism needs. Plus, like them, I have incisors…perfect for eating meat.😋
Don’t get me wrong. I respect anyone who is against the killing and eating of animals and therefore, follows a fruit and veg diet. That is thier moral choice. But, some of them who like to berate the likes of me, forget that in the dim and distant past humans killed and ate animals, even though there was probably more fruit and veg about, being most of the planet was covered in vegetation. Hence the term ‘Hunter Gatherers’. Plus, once they discovered fire…roast meat…lush! I will also add the same applies to some veg. A crispy exterior fluffy interior animal fat roasted spud, far exceeds a boiled one.😁