SurreyAlan Where I live in Byfleet and all the surrounding areas, when any property without a meter is sold, a meter is fitted and you have no choice. I do know if you are careful with water, it can save you money….of course if you want a green lawn all summer, you would have a bill of £800+ per annum.
The savings can be using a dishwasher and get a low water use one (always use a dishwasher), Don’t always flush a toilet after a pee…sounds gross but it’s not really. Use a pressurewasher for car washing not a hose (much less water for rinsing).
Check if your gutters drain into soakaways, or the sewer…most houses bult in the last 30 years drain rainwater in the soakaway, but if you don’t tell your water company, they will assume it drains in the sewers and you lose a water “abatement” discount on your bill. Most people don’t know about this reduction. Best thing of all, they won’t even come and check, they simply apply the discount!