Essentially it’s a drip tower using various bits and bobs. I already had an Aeropress and when I saw the PuckPuck on Kickstarter or whatever I thought it was a cool way of making cold brew that used the Aeropress I already had. It’s essentially just a way of affixing the water reservoir onto an Aeropress and controlling the drip rate. I use a metronome app to dial it in to 60bpm. There’s an app where you’re supposed to tap the screen every time you see a drip and it tells you when you’re in the sweet spot. But you can’t look at the screen and the Aeropress drips at the same time so the metronome is an audible cue and you just twist the PuckPuck until the drips sync with the metronome.
It is a bit “sublime to the ridiculous”, given that the reservoir is half an old Volvic bottle, the middle bit is half an Aeropress and the container it is collecting in is a solid pewter wine flagon thingy that I inherited from my stepfather who was given it by a wine master in Switzerland LOL! I could have done it into a pint glass but I worry about it toppling. It takes about 2-3h to make half a litre. I’ll be waking up to this tomorrow, can’t stay up and watch the drips haha 😂