Systemic 10 mins is the SCA cupping minimum (OK 8min technically), why go shorter rather than longer & if going longer why break the crust (because this will impact on extraction)?
Why not try 10, 15 20 min, the latter 2 covered with no break, refract & taste?
I’d be interested in what you find as I did something similar some years ago.
55g/L or 1:18 was the advised brew ratio in the US from about 1900 onwards (old cupping norm of 7.27g in a 5 US oz vessel is about 1:17-16.5), NCA did a study centering 54g/L in the early 50’s, later superceded by the CBI reinforcing 1:18 in the late 50s. These CBI & NCA ratios were for all brewing drip, siphon and percolator (popular then) there was no distinction between methods (only in terms of grind size & brew time).
All that said the CBI RoI (based on historical norm & later also adopted by the SCAA) encompasses a range of ratios, the ‘ideal’ just being the average that intersects the box most evenly.