Ordered more beans after disaster with my last order - they arrived today - 1 kg Ethiopian natural and 1 kg Kenyan washed. Roast date 2 July so I am going to cup them tomorrow. Things are looking promising as the aroma coming from the one way valve is good. As I haven’t had a decent coffee, pour over or espresso for nigh on two weeks, I am going cold turkey.
Going to follow SCAA guidelines but increase the dose weight to 9 grms as opposed to 8.25 grms which translates to 16.666 ratio i.e. 30 grms of coffee to 500 grms of water.
Might dust off the refractometer and take some readings but they will be cheap and dirty. For accuracy, each sample taken should be run through a syringe filter to remove fines but I can’t be bothered. So, will pipette a few drops at set time intervals to see if the yield increases the longer the cups are left 4mins, 10mins and 15mins.