Would love to share the latest progress for some advice please.
I have just open a new bag of coffee - the Brazilian Blend from Blackcat. I think it is medium dark roast (although BC didn’t mention it in the package).
At the last shot of my old bean (on which I have been trying to dial in above), I was finally able to pull a shot with 7/10 score with 1:2, 15g in and 30g out with 1.7.0 grind size. The brew time was 20s and pressure was 30lb. So not ideal but taste reasonably good. So i am using the similar recipe today on the Brazil blend but start with grinding a bit finer due to the short brew time and not enough pressure above. Different beans but use as reference for starting point.
I pull 3 shots today. Btw the roast date was July 7th (7 day rest time). All three shots were 1:2, roughly 15g in and 30g out, 95c brew temp, 15s preinfusion. My plan was to identify the right grind size by achieving the ballpark pressure and brew time. And then I will fine tune maybe the dose or ratio, or other things. Here are the results:
1/ G1.5.2/ brew time: 40s @55lbs/ too fine, 1:2.0 <4.5/10>
2/ G1.6.2/ brew time: 31s @55lbs/ too fine/ 1:2.1 <4.6/10>
3/ G1.7.2/ brew time: 17s @28lbs/ too coarse/ 1:2.1 <5.5/10>
For the first 2 shots, I know I should stick with 40lb but seems I can hardly extract considerable flow without adding more pressure. I ended up using 55lbs. For the third shot, due to some workflow issue, I did preinfused it for 22s. Just a note.
I think I had enough caffeine for today. :)
Will try 1.7.0 tomorrow. Seems will be okay by interpolation. Assuming i can achieve closer to 27s and 45lbs tomorrow, what else I can refine for the taste further?
Thanks again!
edit: btw the beans smells so nice! Smells so much better than my last oily beans. Also, I noticed there is much less small bean fracture in the bag compared to my last bag without roast date.