Bought an Acaia Lunar 2021 for the flow rate indicator.
Silly me, I imagined that the flow rate would be displayed as a number.
Oh no, that would be far too easy to read.
Instead the Lunacy Lunar displays a series of tiny LED lights. One tiny LED all lit up indicates 0.1ml/sec flow rate. Ten lights = 1.0ml/sec and so on.
Ever wanted to try counting a constantly changing array of tiny LED lights flashing off and one and rising and falling across the screen of the scale?
Me neither. And having now tried it a few times, I’m still not a fan.
My solution was to cut up equally tiny golden arrow head stickers and stick them on to the scale at approximately (key word) 10 LEDs, 20 LEDs and 30 LEDS, being 1ml/sec, 2ml/sec etc (if you need help with the third one let me know).
I hope this may help any other pour (sorry) souls who bought one of these.