Frothbewithyou When we own something, it is going to be difficult to put a case against it — be it the grinder, espresso machine, etc.
I don’t have a Niche, so I cannot comment based on my own experience. I have heard a lot, seen a lot of reviews inc Dave, Hoffman and many more. A few may have a confirmation bias, but the general population cannot.
There is something unique about this grinder. IMO, it is the simplicity of the workflow. I think many like it, perhaps for this reason alone. It is created from scratch, and filled the market segment at a great price.
Are there any issues? Am sure, there are. Will I buy it? Not sure it is going to make a significant difference over my JX Pro. May be, there could be a slight improvement. If my hand gives away and can’t be asked, I may then buy Niche. If they release a flat grinder, may be yes.
It has become a benchmark grinder and the grinder is yet to be matched, let alone outpaced. There are far better grinders at twice or four times the price. In a blind testing, will super tasters pick / identify the grinder? I don’t think they will.
As a British, I am proud of the creation. Biggies will have some serious home work to do, if they want to put out a true competitor at £500!
Please feel free to discuss and air views views — far and against — freely. 😊