Coffeetime - A non-commercial coffee forum
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Wanted or Swap
Items wanted
Swap 25g VST basket for 18g or 20g basket.
20g VST basket
Clever Dripper small size ie 270 mls
Wanted: Hand grinder (Timemore, 1zpresso, KINGrinder or similar
Coffee machine engineers
HG-1 grinder
Wanted: Niche Zero and 58.55 tamper
Wanted: Lelit Bianca
Anyone got a 3D printer?
Acs Leva piston Tool
Swap my SSP 64mm cast (lab sweet copy) v2 for your v1
Bottomless for an ACS Minima
Wdt tool and 58mm funnel
Niche Zero
Conical grinder
E61 or portafilter temperature probe
Would like to buy Lelit Mara X
Wanted: Flair 58 (electric)
Londinium seal changing tool
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