Colombia Jairo Arcila from @LeefromFoundryCR. An unusual very high cup score of 87.75. The bag didn’t have any tasting notes. This is good in a way as one can try and pick the notes should one were to be interested in identifying them without a confirmation bias or just enjoy the coffee without worrying about the notes.
I didn’t bother checking the web site for the notes before finishing the cup.
Pulled 21g on a triple basket and 48.8g liquid in 51s. It was clean, smooth, syrupy and had a very good mouth feel. It had fruity and sugary tastes long after the cup was finished. I thought the fruit notes were like in cherry and sugary taste was like toffee. The black was literally very sweet as if one had added a bit of sugar/sweetner. I don’t add any of these in my coffee, btw.
It did check the site later. No wonder they mentioned molasses as one of the notes.
Unlike other decafs, this was medium/light. Great job from Foundry.