It is! Where do we draw a line ? We can’t as it is different for different people. It is qualitative and can’t be standardised.
But, I reckon for the majority (not our members), duo pump pro (if we can convince them in that direction) is a life-time purchase (kind of an end game). The trouble is they still need to go thru’ the faff.
I know how much my girl rolled her eyes when I asked her to get duo temp pro! This is some one who loves drinking a fine cup. What chance do we have if we try steering others? 🤣
That’s why we need to create, as we agreed, idiots list. Advise them to refer and come back if they need anything. This will satisfy the users like B2C!
My concern otherwise is we are likely to seen biased, like other forums. We need to provide a comfort we aren’t.
Because, our expertise, although we don’t seem to have enough experience elsewhere, can be leveraged to list XYZ, what their features are, and where we think they would be lacking to caution the potential buyers. We don’t need to be perfect and don’t have to know everything.