LMSC I’ve only done a couple of full percolation brews with the CCD 1 mug and Drip Assist, with the same coffees as V60 & Drip Assist, at the same grind.
Differences were:
CCD 1 pour in the centre valve shut, place on cup 5 in ring, 35g/30s intervals, 210g total.
V60 2 pours in centre, 3 in the ring 40g/40s, 200g total.
Extractions were ball-park with each other, so was the preference score but the V60 extracts to the same level with 10g less water (so is also a tad stronger). V60 seems to be the highest extracting pour over I have, but then you just adjust the pouring to get them to parity, extraction wise.
Obviously, there’s no point doing 5 to 6 timed pours with the hybrid CCD method above, as the well under the paper & above the valve in a CCD will be filled in a couple of pours, so from then on you’re immersion brewing.