I think they are ok for what you pay.
They sent me 250gr decaf instead of 500gr, upon email them they replied in few minutes and were apologetic, offered £5 voucher for next order. Difference was £4. It was my offer anyway instead of sending me 250gr more beans. That would have been wasteful.
Mexican beans were gigantic. I don’t think they were what was written on the bag but what it’s written on web page. At least tasted that way. Had to grind them 3 on Niche zero. Lowest ever. Tasted good tho.
Two Brazilians I ordered were very similar in taste. Both tasted like natural fermented. Fazenda tasted more fruity than Blockchain one. Decaf is ok nothing great like A1 coffee Nicaraguan. Latter is still fave.
Rwandan smells awesome tasted not that so as an espresso. It probably would shine as a v60. Or I just couldn’t manage to pull it right.
Didn’t have much chance to play, I will do more experiment later.
But I think you should try them. I will definitely re order different varieties to try.