PortafilterProcrastinator roughly.
So, it takes in approx. 3.5L of water. THere’s no water wastage, only all the minerals are left behind.
Those 3.5L last me approx. 2 weeks. The Elizabeth does not waste water like E61s or levers. THe biggest wastage is when I backflush once fortnightly. I drink 2 espresso per day.
Cost wise, it’s very ineffective, specially with electricity prices going up and up. It’s takes approx. 6 hours to process those 3.5L. It draws 2.1A, so instant consumption is approx. 485W.
Using BG standard tariff, approx. 21p/KWh it works out at approx**. 17.5p per litre**. This excludes remineralisation, but some sodium bicarbonate will last you a lifetime and costs like £1.
Hope that helps.