Haven’t got one, haven’t ordered one. Yet.
Also …. in no great rush.
I drink espresso to pourover (etc) at probably 10:1 ratio, maybe more, so adjusting the Niche isn’t that much of a PITA to do for those relatively infrequent times.
However, it looks interesting (from the Hoff’s video) so, after the initial rush has subsiderd, I might just indulge, if only to join the double-grinder club. Or triple, if you count the one built in to the Oracle (which I don’t, being rather underwhelmed). But I’m inclined towards Hoff’s suspicions about price so, well, I’m gonna wait ’em out for a while …. and my indulge fund is about to get a clobbering on non-coffee stuff anyway so I need a bit f rebuild time.
It also gives me a chance to see what the prevailing view here is once my beta test group …. er, I mean friends, here, have a good go with theirs.
I’ll get my hat.