Just wondering, really. Maybe it’s a bit much to have this hobby and a coffee hobby. I use the Pinter and love the beer I’m getting from it. There are a few horror stories for the old models but they seemed to have ironed out any problems with the equipment with the Pinter 3. I have the Pinter 2.1 and have never had a problem that wasn’t of my own making.
They sell a range of presses - my favourite is Big Dipa. Some come with hop oil to be added at the end of the fermentation. All really simple to use. The pinter is one vessel for brewing, conditioning, and the keg. It gives you 10 pints and is good for over 2 weeks (probably a max of 4 if you don’t bottle) if you don’t drink them first. It’s easy to clean too.
The only downside is if you try to brew anything but one of their packs you void the warranty. Not sure how they’d know you hadn’t done a brew in a bag or something though.
I’ve got a referral link (Spam alert) if anyone is interested in dipping their toe in home brewing let me know and drop me an email and I’ll send the link over to you, I get £30 off the new model and you get £20 off. Otherwise, if anybody has experience with home brewing (cider/mead/beer/rootbeer??), brewing in a bag, bottling tricks etc please share them because when my Pinter is out of warranty I’ll probably be all over trying out different things.