Back to grinders…. I have it down to 3 I think.
Niche Zero - cheapest of the 3 available now - proven in the field and UK Support
Niche Duo - Still to be released - maybe a delay if I decide to buy now as it sounds like they have sold alot. Also UK support as above :). Most expensive - not sure I would ever use the filter burrs but who knows
The outsider an OD rather then single dose
All Ground - A bit cheaper than the Duo £750 new - uk supplied with 2 year warranty. (Could get one cheaper on Amazon - though its supplied by Amazon EU - will have a Euro plug - and warranty is unknown.)
I like the build quality of the AG, the simple way to access the burrs - the clear path for cleaning - and the adjustment ring which is easy to adjust and see where you are. The niches are also similar in that respect for ease of use and cleaning.
It sounds like for my own sanity I may have to change how I use my coffee, the smaller hopper means as I frequently change 250g bags - it would not be a major issue - I currently have ⅔ on the go from Airscape containers - which I use across the 2 hand grinders.
This would continue (ie say for the evening decaf’s) and the main coffee of choice in the hopper. Another option is to just dump enough coffee in the hopper for the day. @Ernie1 I know you mentioned how the timings could change as the weight in the hopper does as it empties out.. anything else I need to consider here?
Do you just live with it if you are changing to a different coffee after your hopper full is done ?
Anything else I need to consider with a OD grinder ? (apologies I have read all the other threads :) - though I maybe just losing it ;) )