Feeling pretty chuffed to have one of these, from the third batch of 24 each, arrive on my espresso island this morning.
Featuring 60mm steel conical burrs, the C60 weighs in at a very impressive 1,005 grams and must surely be one of the best quality hand grinders on the market.
First grind was 18 grams of medium/light beans which was super easy to grind in 25 seconds.The other premium hand grinders I have are either easy to grind and take closer to 45 seconds or stiffer to grind and closer to 30 seconds. The C60 seems to have achieved the best of both grind speed and ease of grinding.
Whilst the C60 is a lot heavier than its precedessor the C40, it appears to be the same diameter, if not height. That’s quite remarkable given the jump from 40mm to 60mm burrs.
Haven’t pulled a shot yet and fit fit Red Clix first, then I’ll try it for both filter and espresso.

First impressions video from Hoons Coffee featuring Josh from Alternative Brewing here in Australia