Oh my, this topic is exactly the thing I am thinking about! I am now contemplating between the Niche Zero and the DF64 (64mm flat burrs, upgradable to SSP burrs). The price difference is quite substantial where I stay.
Niche Zero - SGD 907 / USD 668 / EUR 600
DF64 (Standard Steel Burrs) - SGD 560 / USD 413 / EUR 371
DF64 (SSP Burrs) - SGD 790 / USD 582 / EUR 523
*all prices rounded to the nearest dollar, price inclusive of importing tax for niche zero
From all the information I have gathered, I would think for overall ease of use, niche zero would stand out. Whereas DF64 would stand out in terms of the price and the use of the SSP burr set.
Now I think the question for myself would be which is more important? Ease of use? Or clarity of the cup? I am also contemplating getting the DF64 with standard burrs and upgrading later down the road.
*Disclaimer: I am a beginner and have only ever used hand grinders (currently 1zpresso JX) so all the above are assumptions from lots of research. I do know I prefer clarity in my coffee.