Ran a little test today on the old gauge. Didn’t think about doing so with the new one. Next time I dismantle the machine I guess…
So I have this fancy high end bike pump and I know it’s pretty precise. Having compared its display to a professional digital gauge.
And it shows that the early theory (gauge is faulty at low pressure) is probably the correct one. 😉
At 2 bar on the pump, gauge shows barely above 1:

At 3 on the pump, the gauge is at 2:

At 4 on the pump, the gauge finally wakes up and is closer to the truth:

And at 8.5 bar, the gauge is almost spot on:

I wonder if the gauge was problematic since day one - I know the previous owner got some repairs done under warranty, but no details. Or if scale slowly affected it. I might let it soak in descaler as a useless experiment for another rainy Sunday!