Thanks to those who responded, I didn’t get any feedback on the other forum, nor on Instagram. I can only assume that is because no one has a workable strategy. I guess it’s always possible that people don’t care one way or the other, but c’mon now, that doesn’t seem likely, does it?…:-)
As best as I can determine the average (median) grind size is close to 1000Kruve.
We have 39% at 900, so we know the average is larger than 900. We have 67% at 1100, so we know the average is smaller than this. The halfway point between the two is 995 and I estimate we have 53% here, so maybe 950Kruve.

There is 8% at 400 Kruve, then for every 100Kruve interval an average of 7.7%, though around the average (900-1200) an average of 13% per 100Kruve. For the life of me, I cannot fathom how, when looking at the grinds you can sort them by size, by eye and then calculate thier respective weights & see which ones are near the average?
It takes a couple of minutes to sift a sample, then a few more to weigh the grinds in each sifter. To spread grinds out on a background so that you can see them well enough to use the Brewler takes a couple of minutes too.
The other point being, we really want to know where the 8-16% (give or take) lies to calibrate for a brew method.
I’d take any Brewler based grind size suggestions with a very hefty pinch of salt.