Mr_H It won’t be covered by warranty after almost 5 years and the photo I want to see is the entire top inside of the machine (especially the steam boiler (service boiler)…just to see if the vacuum breaker is leaking, which it probably is….as all that crap on the top must come from somewhere.
- You want to look at the vacuum breaker and see if it is leaking all the time, or on warmup…but as I can only guess the type until I see a photo, I don’t know for sure.
- Clean all the stuff off everywhere really well, cos you don’t want to do more work than necessary
- The tea staining/mild rust will always be a thing on a weld in stainless, or when exposed to water with chloride Ions…this can happen if water leaks from the safety valve or vac breaker, down the side of the steam boiler.
- Is the 3rd and 4th photo down the steam or brew boiler?
- The corrosion on fittings and blanking plugs might be from water that has run down from the top, or it might be they are leaking?
- If those fittings and plugs are leaking, there is a simple explanation and solution.
- The earthing wire is in the correct place.
to bring the machine up to a fully working standard and almost as new should not be too expensive….but might require a bit of elbow grease, cleaning, dismantling, boilers out etc…It’s not a hard job, just needs a few spanners and a bit of patience. Carefully read and answer my questions in order (so it’s easy to keep track) and provide information requested. if you don’t answer something, I hate having to ask again and again (as you can guess this often happens).
It basically looks like the results of a lack of maintenance and an annual case off visual check to spot things going wrong and fix them before things get much worse.
P.S never provide just guess what this is macro close ups, without distance shots to put it in context, or mentioning the part, boiler, position etc..