My previous post on this seems to have vanished so hoping this is all good - I bought a Minima with a known fault that the steam was watery, which was predicted as boiler overfill. Also potential steam boiler overheating
I haven’t yet tried this as I wanted to firstly take a look inside to check the earthing was now on the frame, but when doing so I found the jacket around the steam boiler to be wet!
I also saw that the wire I was looking for on the other boiler to remove and reposition wasn’t there, but also didn’t seem to be in the place instructed.
On further investigation of the dampness, and to check the wire, I released the steam boiler off its supports and took some pics, as I found some gunk around the joints on the bottom! This also seems to be where there’s some moisture.
So, my initial questions are:
With the gunk and moisture around joints on the bottom of the boiler - would this directly relate to the watery steam and/or overfilling, assuming a slight leak will mean pressure loss?
Is there anywhere else this black wire (that was on the boiler but needed moving to the the frame) might be?
I’ve attached a few images showing all of this, including damp jacket, gunk on joints and earthing area.
I’m new to this so any advice and help would be fantastic. A friend has suggested some work on those joints may sort, but welcome any other comments from those that know here. Thank you!